Home | Hírek | Magyarországról | Havasi – Fireworks suite (+video)

Havasi – Fireworks suite (+video)

KV | The fireworks on 20 August 2013 were accompanied by a special suite, composed by HAVASI for the greatest national day for Hungarians, celebrated with day-long festivities followed by spectacular fireworks throughout the country.

The recurring main theme of the suite is the Moldavian Csángó folk song “Oh, Saint Stephen Be Praised”, addressed to Hungary’s state founder king as the column of the country.

The Fireworks Suite tries to cover the whole spectrum of human existence. A wide array of moods and means ranges from ancestral to modern, from individual to collective, from intimate to grandiose, from meditation to the storm of sweeping passions, creating a musical world in the suite which is both uniform and diverse.

The live broadcast of the festive fireworks synchronised with the beat of this special piece of music attracted one of the highest numbers of TV viewers in 2013 in Hungary.

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